Shipping policy

Shipping Policy


1. Shipping Methods

  • We offer standard FedEx shipping for all orders placed through our online store.
  • Expedited shipping options are available during checkout.

2. Shipping Times

  • Orders are typically processed within 1-3 business days.
  • Shipping times vary based on location and the method selected during checkout.

3. Shipping Costs

  • Shipping costs are calculated based on your order's weight, dimensions, and destination.
  • Shipping fees will be displayed during the checkout process.

4. Tracking and Notifications

  • Once your order ships, you will receive a tracking number via email.
  • You can track your package’s progress using the provided tracking information.

5. International Shipping

  • We currently offer shipping within the United States. For international orders, please contact our customer support at

6. Address Accuracy

  • Please ensure your shipping address is accurate and complete to avoid delivery delays.
  • We are not responsible for packages delivered to incorrect or incomplete addresses.

7. Returns and Exchanges

  • For information on returns and exchanges, please refer to our Return Policy.